


1. 什么是spare?


2. spare的音标

/sp/ 是spare的发音。其中,“e”发音为长音,表示重读。

3. spare的用法

a. 作为形容词时:

(1) 指多余的:在这种情况下,spare通常与名词连用,如:“Do you have any spare change?”(你有零钱吗?)

(2) 指备用的:在这种情况下,spare通常与名词连用,如:“Do you have a spare key?”(你有备用钥匙吗?)

(3) 指空闲的:在这种情况下,spare通常与时间相关联,如:“I have some spare time this weekend.”(我这周末有些空闲时间。)

b. 作为动词时:

(1) 指节约:在这种情况下,spare通常与介词“on”连用,如:“Can you spare some time on this project?”(你能把一些时间节约在这个项目上吗?)

(2) 指饶恕:在这种情况下,spare通常与名词连用,如:“Please spare me the details.”(请饶恕我不说细节。)

4. spare与其他词的搭配

a. spare parts:备件,指用于替换损坏部件的备用物品。

b. spare tire:备胎,指车辆上备用的轮胎。

c. spare change:零钱,指零散的小额货币。

d. spare time:空闲时间,指没有被安排使用的时间。

e. spare room:空闲房间,指没有被使用的房间


1. spare的发音

spare一词的发音为/sp/, 读作“斯佩尔”。其中,/p/为清辅音,//为长元音,/l/为舌尖向上卷的浊辅音。

2. spare的基本意思



3. spare的词性和词源


4. spare作动词时的用法

(1) 表示“节约、省下”

例如:We should try to spare water in our daily life. (我们应该在日常生活中节约水资源。)

(2) 表示“免除、放过”

例如:Please spare me the trouble of explaining it again. (请不要让我再解释一遍了。)

(3) 表示“留出、抽出”

例如:Can you spare a few minutes to talk about this? (你能抽出几分钟来谈谈这件事吗?)

5. spare作形容词时的用法

(1) 表示“备用的、预备的”

例如:Do you have any spare batteries? (你有备用电池吗?)

(2) 表示“多余的、剩余的”

例如:I have a spare ticket for the concert. (我有一张多余的音乐会门票。)

(3) 表示“宽恕、饶恕”

例如:He asked for a spare moment to apologize. (他请求给他一点时间来道歉。)

6. spare的常见搭配

(1) spare no effort/money/energy: 不遗余力/不惜金钱/不吝精力

(2) spare time: 空闲时间

(3) spare part: 备件、备用零件

(4) be spared from: 被免除、被放过

(5) be spared no expense: 不惜代价


7. 与spare相关的短语和**语

(1) spare change: 零钱

(2) in your spare time: 在你空闲的时间里

(3) to go easy/spare someone's feelings: 不伤害某人的感情


1. 简介


2. 动词用法

2.1 节约


- We need to spare some money for our vacation. (我们需要节省一些钱来度假。)

- Can you spare some time to help me with this project? (你能抽出一些时间帮我完成这个项目吗?)

2.2 省略


- Can you spare me the details? (你能给我免去细节吗?)

- She spared no expense in decorating her new house. (她在装修新房子上毫不吝惜花费。)

2.3 饶恕


- Please spare me this time, I promise it won't happen again. (请原谅我这次,我保证不会再发生了。)

- The judge decided to spare the criminal's life. (法官决定饶恕罪犯的生命。)

3. 名词用法

3.1 备用品


- Do you have a spare key for your car? (你有汽车备用钥匙吗?)

- He always carries a spare tire in his car. (他车里总是备着一个备胎。)

3.2 闲暇时间


- I don't have any spare time this week, I'm too busy with work. (这周我没有任何闲暇时间,工作太忙了。)

- She spends her spare time reading books. (她把闲暇时间都花在读书上了。)

4. 形容词用法

4.1 多余的


- We have a spare bedroom for guests to stay in. (我们有一间多余的卧室供客人住宿。)

- Can you give me a spare pen? I lost mine. (你能给我一支多余的笔吗?我的丢了。)

4.2 备用的


- Do you have a spare umbrella? It might rain later. (你有备用的伞吗?等会可能会下雨。)

- I always keep a spare phone charger in my bag. (我总是在包里备着一个备用的手机充电器。)

4.3 节省的

- We need to be more spare with our expenses this month. (这个月我们需要更加节约开支。)

- He is very spare with his words, he only speaks when necessary. (他说话很节约,只在必要时说话。)

5. 双语例句

1) Can you spare me a few minutes of your time? (你能给我几分钟时间吗?)

2) I always keep a spare set of keys in case I lose the original ones. (我总是备着一套备用钥匙以防丢失原来的。)

3) The company has decided to spare no expense in launching their new product. (公司决定在推出新产品时不惜任何代价。)

4) She spends her spare time volunteering at a local charity organization. (她把闲暇时间都花在当地慈善机构做志愿者工作上了。)


5) Please be more spare with your words, we don't have much time left for this meeting. (请说话更加简洁些,我们没有多少时间开会了。)


1. Spare no effort: 不遗余力

2. Spare time: 空闲时间

3. Spare parts: 备件

4. Spare change: 零钱

5. Spare tire: 备用轮胎

6. Spare room: 备用房间

7. Spare key: 备用钥匙

8. Spare capacity: 剩余产能

9. Be spared from: 免受...

10. Have a spare moment: 有空闲时间

11. In spare time: 在空闲时间里

12. Take no spare cash with you: 不要带零钱出门

13. A spare figure of speech: 一个备用的修辞手法

14. Have a spare pair of glasses on hand: 准备备用眼镜

15. A few spare dollars in case of emergency: 几个备用的美元以备不时之需


1. Alternative

- Definition: another option or choice

- Example: In case of any unforeseen circumstances, we have an alternative plan to spare us from any inconvenience.

2. Reserve

- Definition: something kept in case it is needed in the future

- Example: I always keep a reserve amount of cash in my wallet, just in case I need to spare some change for a quick purchase.

3. Excess

- Definition: more than what is needed or required

- Example: The company had to lay off employees due to an excess of staff, as they needed to spare some expenses.

4. Surplus

- Definition: an amount that is more than what is needed or used

- Example: The farmer had a surplus of crops this year, so he decided to spare some and donate them to the local food bank.

5. Unused

- Definition: not used or consumed; available for use

- Example: We have some unused office space that we can spare for the new team that will be joining us next month.

6. Unoccupied

- Definition: not being used by anyone; vacant

- Example: The hotel had a few unoccupied rooms, so they were able to spare one for the stranded travelers.

7. Extra

- Definition: additional or supplementary to what is already present or available.

- Example: I always carry an extra phone charger with me, just in case I need to spare one for someone else who forgot theirs.

8. Surrogate

- Definition: acting as a substitute or replacement for someone or something else.

- Example: The coach had to find a surrogate player as one of his star players was injured and could not play, sparing the team from losing their chance at winning the championship.

9. Superfluous

- Definition: unnecessary or more than what is needed.

- Example: My boss asked me to remove all superfluous information from the report, so I had to spare some time to edit it.

10. Unused

- Definition: not used or consumed; available for use.

- Example: The artist had some unused canvases lying around, so she decided to spare them and create a new series of paintings

